Transformational Coaching

What’s Transformational Coaching?

A blend of 2 schools:

Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

Transformational Recovery/Psychedelic Integration Coaching

Through these schools 2 truths became guiding principles for personal tranformation no matter what we are dealing with.

1: For modern western capatilistic society to function it must operate on the framework of addiction. Projecting non stop through various mechanics that we either are not enough or do not have enough. Addictions aren’t just drugs and shopping or food and media. It is also the stories we tell ourselves & the patterns we are stuck in due to our sub-conscious programming. Through transformational coaching techniques we can dive deep within to find the uncomfortable, get clear on what drives us and make space to connect with our higher self for guidance.

2: The energetics of our world is fractured and our Health & Wellness infrastructure is riddled with greed and misinformation. Our food is toxic and our water is dead. Through Holistic practices and resources for diet and lifestyle we gain access to our intuition for guidance along our journey to whole health.

There are a lot of tools in Skoob’s toolbox. At it’s core his guidance emphasizes establishing a relationship with real food while utilizing movement of breath and body to encourage movement of pyscho-emotional energy. This approach allows us to see behind the veil, settle the nerves, and empower our intuition to guide us to our answers.